YouDirk Numeric I/O

A Minecraft Forge mod for decimal I/O support

View project on GitHub

This is the official website of the YouDirk Numeric I/O Minecraft mod youdirk_numeric_io. It adds to the game

  • Blocks which are outputing decimal (and hexadecimal) numbers to represent the connected binary encoded Redstone Wires

  • Blocks which you can input a number (by right clicking on it). These will be encoded to binary and outputed to the connected Redstone Wires

  • Negative values (Two´s Complement encoding) are supported

  • Multiplayer support - also compatible with Minecraft vanilla servers
    • For admins - but vanilla clients cannot connect to modded YouDirk Numeric I/O Minecraft servers
  • Languages bar, Deutsch, de_at, de_ch, de_de, English, en_au, en_ca, en_gb, en_nz, Pirate Speak (The Seven Seas), en_ud, en_us

For a detailed in-game usage take a look to our Wiki at


You can download the current YouDirk Numeric I/O Minecraft mod youdirk_numeric_io versions here

for Minecraft 1.13

stable YouDirk Numeric I/O 1.13-
Thu, 14. Feb 2019 06:56 +0100 for Minecraft 1.13 – tags: release dummy
File: youdirk_numeric_io-1.13-

Patch Notes

* Test patch added

* bugfixes and so on
  - Such like this
  - and that and so

The eeeeend ... xD

< show all Downloads >

Download Minecraft Forge

We are poviding some unstable development builds of Minecraft Forge which you can download. But we are highly recommend to download the latest stable from the official Minecraft Forge website

for Minecraft 1.13.2

used-for-develop Minecraft Forge build 1.13.2-25.0.219
Mon, 3. Jun 2019 19:36 +0200 for Minecraft 1.13.2 – tags: unstable
Installer (forge-1.13.2-25.0.219-installer.jar), Universal (forge-1.13.2-25.0.219-universal.jar)

seems-to-work Minecraft Forge build 1.13.2-25.0.214
Wed, 22. May 2019 17:33 +0200 for Minecraft 1.13.2 – tags: unstable
Installer (forge-1.13.2-25.0.214-installer.jar), Universal (forge-1.13.2-25.0.214-universal.jar)

for Minecraft 1.13

old-stable Minecraft Forge build 1.13-24.0.147-1.13-pre
Fri, 1. Feb 2019 05:35 +0100 for Minecraft 1.13 – tags: unstable
Installer (forge-1.13-24.0.147-1.13-pre-installer.jar), Universal (forge-1.13-24.0.147-1.13-pre-universal.jar)

< show all Minecraft Forge builds >


To install you need […] TODO

Issues & Bug reports

If you found a bug or if you like to provide a feature-request then take a look to the


Beta Tester

If you like to search proactive for bugs then we provide a list of code weak spots. Take a look to the following list of Test Cases for a higher chance of success


You can contribute some tutorials or instructions how to use the YouDirk Numeric I/O Minecraft mod by writing it down to the

Translation / Assets / Hacking

If you want to translate, contribute some code or assets such like models, textures or sounds then take a look to the GitHub repository and read the

Make our society more funny with relaxed free time activities and support small video game productions. The whole YouDirk Numeric I/O Minecraft mod is Open Source/Free Software. So it supports liberty for software developers and make it possible to everyone to understand it’s software. With your pledge you are not only supporting this Minecraft project, you are not only supporting video games - you are also supporting a free thinking and a free acting society :)

Initial idea

I want to build a calculator in vanilla Minecraft ( using Redstones and it’s logic properties. In conclusion it is an 8-bit ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) based on an Intel 8085 ALU circuit. It should be possible to build it without using any mod. But it’s not easy to output the result of your calculation in-game and there is no suitable way to input the operands into the calculator. For that reason I decided to implement a mod to do that.

Well, so have fun with it :)